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Proven Techniques for Improving Your Videos Rank on YouTube


Internet marketers have discovered that video marketing is one of the best methods for getting more publicity and traffic. Targeted videos can be used to get the attention of viewers and generate traffic to your website. Yet, when you submit videos to YouTube, your goal is to get your video well ranked for your keywords, and this can be a challenge. Just as on search engines, YouTube users frequently do searches to find the kind of videos they’re looking for, so getting highly ranked means a lot more views. Let’s look at some rules to follow if you want your videos to rank highly on YouTube.

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re encouraging user participation from the viewers. When viewers see lots of comments, they want to see the video for themselves, and more views leads to better rankings. If you want people to comment on your videos, you must go out of your way to encourage this, so end your videos with a request for comments. This is an important action to take, so don’t overlook it if you want your videos to become more popular.

It’s another thing if your video goes viral and automatically attracts attention, but for every other case, you need to be well-equipped so that you don’t let any opportunity pass by when it comes down to improving your video’s popularity on YouTube. Secondly, your video’s description is also important since YouTube uses it as a criteria when ranking videos. Your primary words should be clear and concise. Don’t just give a random description that doesn’t relate to your video. Besides, having a compatible description, this will increase your overall click through that your get on your videos.

When you upload a video to YouTube, you should also embed it on your own blog or website, as this is an easy way to get a higher ranking and more views. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are also good place to share your videos for even greater exposure. You want to show YouTube that your videos get a large number of views, which will improve your ranking over time. Embedding your videos and sharing them will help you get more views and higher rankings.

In conclusion, from the above article we come to understand that YouTube can definitely prove to be a great traffic source, if you go step by step, and take consistent action. If you’re just starting out, don’t expect to get millions of visitors to your video (unless you are a celebrity); be patient in your approach and grow your presence on the site on a day to day basis. If you persist in your efforts, your videos will start to rank and you’ll attract regular subscribers on your YouTube channel, which will help your business grow.

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3 Responses

  1. those are great tips, the more people that see your video the more you can expect to advance from it.

  2. David from cheap hotels shanghai says:

    Its a very interesting piece of information. The points given by you looks very promising. Will surely try some of them out. I know it will only help me boost up my videos ranking a little, rest depends on the video I upload, but still will do whatever I can to help. The ranking will help the overall visibility of my site.

  3. Jenny from screen printed t-shirts says:

    YouTube is the most popular site on the internet for videos, and every day a huge number of people visit it and look for videos that interest them. You have the potential to reach a vast audience if you upload videos targeted to your category, which can bring you the kind of traffic you need.

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