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Electric Car Becoming The New Standard In Europe


Auto manufacturers worldwide were attracted to view the future of driving at the Geneva auto show in Geneva Switzerland. The biggest question that concerned the visitors and viewers was whether or not European manufacturers would be able to agree on a standardization of electric plugs.

While the allure of electric vehicles [EVs] is strong and pulling most, if not all, auto manufacturers into the concept, the need to create a standard plug is fairly crucial. The expected flurry of electric car production in mid-decade has European manufacturers concerned that travel from one country to the next may be hindered, or at least made less convenient, by each country’s variations in the component that plugs the car into an electric source. If each country has its own style of plug, the cost to consumers to purchase different plugs might be a deterrent to sales.

One example was given; if traveling from Denmark to Italy, one would require four different plug changes to accommodate the different outlets along the way. That would appear to be a significant fly in the ointment for Europeans planning to travel throughout the region.

At this time, achieving accord for a mutual industrial policy in Europe is extremely difficult. Governments tend to regard regional harmony as secondary to domestic interests, regardless of its inconvenience to travelers or consumers. With many consumers of electric vehicles wanting to cross borders, the lack of consistency will assuredly be problematic.

Carlos Ghosn, head of Renault’s SA-Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. alliance, recognizes the difficulties incorporating a single plug, but stresses that one plug is essential to the success of electric vehicle travel throughout the European community. Speaking at a World Economic Forum in Davos, he emphasized that point.

It’s obvious that European leaders recognize the importance of one plug throughout Europe, but Europe has not had a long history of cooperating within itself, even to the benefit of Europe as a whole. Each country has traditionally been very independent of external influences. Trust has not flourished between the countries over the centuries. The memories of long and hard fought wars have not fallen too far from the minds of many Europeans.

Optimistically, execs from Nissan and Renault opined that the problems would be minimal. Their feelings are that they expect that most Europeans driving EVs will be utilizing them mainly for short distances and commuting. They feel that most drivers will be plugging in at home; not requiring long distance charges. Simon Thomas of Nissan’s European division feels that it’s merely an “inconvenience” at worst.

But is that really a fair assumption? With the world community becoming more plugged into each other, why should Europeans be any different? When millions of Euros are brought in from many countries each year from tourism, does it make sense to limit travel options due to a single plug? It could be very unwise to not cooperate with the entire community that generates so much income for its members.

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